After filling out your registered email address, a new password will be sent to you by email. This takes you to the Activate Software page on the NCH Software website.

If you have forgotten your password, click the Forgot your password? link below the password field. To activate Express Accounts, select Register Software from the Accounts or Tools menu and then click the Activate Online link in the Step 2: Activate Serial Number section of the software registration window. On the login screen, enter your Email address along with the password you set up for the Web Account, and click on the Login button. This is the link you will share with other users to log in from other computers (local) or remotely (public). This information can also be found as a link on the Web Access tab of the Options dialog. Enter the Express Invoice computer's IP address and the port number (96 by default) into a browser address bar (e.g., ).To view, print, or send a statement from the Customer List, highlight a customer and click the small triangle next to the Statement icon and select a method for sending, saving, or preview.