Raddon's Cascading Eyes is a reference to the song Eyes and artist Kaskade, and Fragment of the Betrayer's Prison references Illidan’s dialogue during the Burning Crusade Cinematic. Notable Demon Hunter legendaries are Loramus Thalipedes' Sacrifice and The Defiler's Lost Vambraces which follow the story of Loramus from Blasted Lands (also followed up with Loramus, Is That You?). Tak'theritrix's Shoulderpads is a reference to the Key and Peele sketch East/West College Bowl.
Notable Death Knight Legendaries are Koltira's Newfound Will, who was last seen captured by Sylvanas (and apparently freed as he's a champion in Koltira Deathweaver), Lana'thel's Lament revealing the backstory of Blood-Queen Lana'thel, and The Instructor's Fourth Lesson raising speculation about the Lich King.
Ceann-Ar Charger: Resembles Fel-Steel Warhelm, part of the Destroyer Armor (Recolor) set. The Death Knight item Rattlegore Bone Legplates resembles Warrior Tier 11 while the Warrior item Weight of the Earth resembles Death Knight Tier 8. Tyr's Hand of Faith: Resembles Deathbone Gauntlets all of the lookalike gloves are removed from the game or hard to craft. Roots of Shaladrassil: Resembles Sun-Touched Chain Leggings, pants with a unique appearance from Mount Hyjal. Emalon's Charged Core: Resembles the Mists Shaman tier Firebird's Cuirass. Intact Nazjatar Molting: Resembles the interesting transmog belt Pillager's Girdle which is BoE. The Shadow Hunter's Voodoo Mask: Named after Vol'jin, this helm resembles the Zul'Aman armor Mojo-Mender's Mask. Will of Valeera: These leggings are notably simple, resembling Feral Leggings. Duskwalker's Footpads: Resembles the ZA timed run boots Two-Toed Boots. Raddon's Cascading Eyes: It may feel strange for Demon Hunters to run Black Temple, so here is a duplicate Cursed Vision of Sargeras. Mystic Kilt of the Rune Master: Kilt version of Robes of Azure Downfall while the original item is based on Warlock tier 10, this legendary is for Mages. Darckli's Dragonfire Diadem: Resembles Circle of Flame and Crown of Destruction from Molten Core. Here are some of the interesting legendary appearances: Legion Legendaries can be transmogged and the appearance of each legendary is chosen with care, resembling a older period in WoW's history that fits the name and flavor text. However, they are also references to important moments in WoW's history, with flavor text and appearances offering a dose of nostalgia.Ī Guide to Legion Legendaries covers the basics of acquiring legendaries and their combat effects this guide focuses on the sillier details like unique appearances and fun pop culture references. Legendary items in Legion are significant gear upgrades with rotation-changing equips.